Meditation, to me, is difficult but can be achievable if we try to build it up daily. Meditation is the ability to focus on the current state, but it’s so hard to do as we are usually disrupted by our on-going thoughts that keep coming to our minds. Meditation also teaches us to breath slower and thus help to normalize and relax our heart rate, which I enjoy the most when I started to feel overwhelmed, and I believe it is good for anxiety and fear control too.
If you want to give it a try, I recommend below free app “Insight Timer” which has lots of free meditation lessons.
The one I enjoy the most is by Jonathan Lehmann (10mn guided meditation). Below are the lessons I learn from him. Remember, only reading is ok, but I do recommend you play the app along the way so that you can also practice doing meditation, a new challenge, isn’t it?
Albert Einstein once said:
There are 2 ways to live your life. One is “nothing is miracle”, and the other is to see “everything is miracle”.
And today meditation’s goal is to see “Everything is miracle.”
To help us doing so, we are going to follow the 7 affirmations below:
1. I make plans, but I remain flexible and open to surprises that lives have installed for me. I try to say “Yes” as often as often as possible.
2. I cultivate patience and by doing so I also cultivate self-confidence.
3. I welcome the opportunity to step outside my comfort zone and I do not let myself be guided by fear.
4. I love myself unconditionally because it’s essential to my happiness, I love the person I am, and I do not need other people’s approval to love myself fully.
5. I’m going to drink water, eat fruits and vegetables, walk, take the stairs, exercise. Today, I’m giving love to my body.
6. I give everywhere I go even if it’s a smile, compliment, or my full my attention. Listening is the best gift I can give to my surrounding people.
7. I try to be impeccable with my words and try to speak only to spread positivity, it’s counter- productive to speak against myself or others.